Handball Competition MSSPP 2010

by - April 29, 2010

I should be happy as everything that makes me busy finally come to end, yet only 1 week more left to sit for mid-term examination. wat a sad case :(

We, girl team lost our third match, couldnt make it to semi-finals. Anyway, I think we've tried our best. Malay girls from SMK Jawi were so rude while playing, seriously. Boy team won only third place but they performed so well. Congratulations !

I ran into my frens from Prostar Camp & other schools, feeling glad to meet them again ! I rejected the competition of marching formation, I feel sorry seniors. I cant sacrifice my time on activities temporarily after my handball competition & I want to concentrate on my studies to prepare for exam. 

I knw I'll regret to make this decision, but I really cant take part. I hope all of u can have a good results then. :)

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  1. 成绩不是最重要,重要是我们努力过


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